After staying home with my kiddos for 11 years and substitute teaching at their school for the last four, I am finally taking the plunge and getting back into the classroom.  While I loved the flexibility of substituting, it just didn't seem enough for me.  Teaching is not only a passion for me, but it's my hobby.  I am the type of person who wakes up at 4:00 am with an idea for a lesson and can't get back to sleep until it is written down on paper.

Unfortunately, as a substitute I could rarely use those great ideas.  
So, as you can imagine, I was OVER THE MOON when I was hired to teach a 3rd/4th grade multigrade classroom.  Now, I have even more sleepless nights as I dream up ways to decorate my classroom, organize my materials, and bring my ideas to life.  With all that going on, who has time to maintain a website? 

Not me!

Even so, I am going to attempt to share my ideas and materials with you as I head back into the classroom full time. 
I promise you that my site won't be pretty and all jazzed up... I don't know how to do that stuff anyway.  BUT- I do promise that I will provide ideas that will be helpful in your classroom.  Please feel free to pin these ideas on Pinterest so that others may benefit as well.   

To start things off, I want to share with you a worksheet that I created to help me get to know my students.  Yup, there's a lot of "First Day" kid surveys on the web, but none of them quite fit my needs.  I wanted an "All About Me" page in which students could share personal information AND give me a feel for their academic needs. 

I am planning to send these to my kiddos with a letter of introduction a few weeks before school starts.  They can fill them out and mail them back or give them to me at our Back to School picnic.   Along with my letter (which I'll include on the site when I get around to it), I will fill out one of the surveys about myself and give each kid a copy.  That way, they'll (hopefully) feel a bit more comfortable stepping in to my classroom on the first day. 

Below you will see a JPEG picture of the front and back of the worksheet.  Just below that there is a link to the PDF file for it.  That should print out properly using the full sheet of paper.  I hope you enjoy getting to know your new group of kiddos!

    Was this worksheet helpful to you?  Please let me know!

    Julie Collier

    I am a special education teacher - turned stay at home mom - turned substitute teacher - turned full-time 3rd/4th grade teacher.

    As teachers, we believe that kids learn best when they can share ideas with a larger group.  I hope that my ideas and materials can help you to grow as a teacher and inspire creativity in your classroom! 
    Many blessings to you!


    July 2013

